Sunday, February 13, 2011

[EDM613] Week 2 - Reading Post

This week we read about how we as humans understand the world we live in. This chapter was extremely deep for me because it allowed me to really think about how I invented the world that happens around me. I actually went through the little practice test and found there were assumptions that I was making related to my life that gives me the view that I have for my life. I found that many different events shaped my life but my goals kept me focus. Then I rolled into Chapter 2 that went into the discussion of about the "Universe of Possibility". What really jumped out at me was how it talked about our measurement of reality and how we assess our "world", our "place of peace". The author spoke of the "little voices in your head" and this being the source of how we assess the world that we live in. These measurements are created by our life's experiences. I really loved the connection between these two chapters they really taught me something about me as a person and the world that I create for myself.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your journey through the opening chapters of the book. Hope that you find the encouragement and insights for the rest of the journey.
