This week I would like to address the need to be able to share and collaborate on presentations to create media rich presentations that draw for preexisting content already on the web.
So I have stumbled upon SlideSix! I think I have found a great web 2.0 tool for this week. This tool was created to bring multimedia to presentations and to provide a platform for users to collaborate and share presentations. I guess I found what I was looking for! SlideSix allows you to upload all of your native PowerPoint presentation formats, portable document formats, and OpenOffice formats. It also allows you the flexibility to import Google Doc Powerpoint presentations. With a click of a button and your username and password for your Google docs account SlideSix goes and seeks out all presentations in your Google Docs. SlideSix gives you the ability to add multimedia to your presentations by embedding or importing the video footage. It also allows you to import footage from your computer’s webcam to give your presentations that personal touch.
Below is a brief overview of the application…
Slidesix has an extension called Slidesix Labs; this extension has the “Presenter”, “Collaborate” and “Presentation Analytics” features built into it. The Presenter feature gives the user the ability to present both virtually and live at the same time. With the “Collaborate” feature SlideSix blends the broadcast feature mixed with live video streaming and a real time text based chat platform. Once all users have been invited to the dedicated chat room the users are able to review and discuss each slide. This application also links directly with Twitter for instance online real-time feedback from other viewers. And last but not least the Presentation Analytics tool gives the user the ability to determine the effectiveness of the presentations that you have created by tracking traffic statistics for instance how many times a specific presentation has been viewed, how many unique views, average time a user spends viewing your presentation. All of this numerical data is plotted to a graph that is easy to interpret and read.
Why would need a tool like this? If for no other reason the Presentation Analytics provides the detail data described above for each slide, which helps you to determine the slides that were most effective within the presentation. This in turn helps you to improve your presentations give you the ability to modify and/or refine you content to better address your audiences’ needs.
Below is another video that allows you to see the power of both the media and collaboration tools…
Orlando, You have done a great job researching a tool that mostly all teachers and staff can use. I think that as a grade level team we can use Slidesix to develop our presentations like quarterly student growth, parent night orientation, end of the year slideshows, etc. We can collaborate and develop an awesome presentation and have it viewed online by our audience. Great job! Thanks!