Saturday, July 31, 2010

BP13_Adobe After Effects CS4 Software

For my next software tool, this ones personal, this is the only adobe software within the production suite that I have not touched. This package would allow me to put my presentations on a whole another level. I am looking to put my lectures, presentations, and interviews on video allowing my “sick” students to be able to access lecture from home in turn allowing them the ability to keep up with scheduled deadlines.

So Adobe After Effects is used to create motion graphics and visual effects. This software allows the user to animate, alter, and composite media in 2D and 3D space with various built-in tools. Aside from the many plug-ins that are offered for this software it stands strong as one of the film and video post-production industries’ NLEs (non-linear editing systems). Once I have learned this tool it will become evident in my work immediately my timeline for this is about two months so that I can begin to incorporate little snippets into my film class projects.

Here’s a cool video I found on You Tube. This guy used the same tutorial training I am setting up to use and this is what he accomplished. Pretty good if I must say so!

© 2009 Simon Dewey. All Rights Reserved.

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