After an extremely gratifying discussion with my colleagues and peers regarding my final project and my journal submission. For most of them it was their very first time getting a glimpse at what I had been working on for my action research project. The responses were clear across the board...
Alex Devereux, Critical Friend
"Be sure to take this thing one step at a time and nurture it into what it really can be for the students another opportunity for them to learn differently without boundaries, without the worry of failure."
Stan Clark, Colleague Faculty Member at Institution
"Wow! I never knew it was this involve, this is truly amazing so how do we implement something like this on campus!"
From this comment we lead in to discussion regarding a research study that proved that I was on the right track. This study showed that the new generation of student is becoming so technologically enabled either by their parents, providing them the hottest new gadgets, or their institutions providing them technology opportunities early in their development that neurologically they are conditioned to learn somewhat differently. The more children begin to fall into this "bubble" the more we as educators will be challenged use new methods of teaching and instruction to reach out to our students. No more will it be acceptable to use only traditional methods of instruction as a means to success because our student will be looking for something far greater and failure to get that in the end will mean possible shut down in the classroom. How many of us are going through this today in the classroom?
So this really peaked my interest to say the least...
The last comment I will share comes from a colleague of mine whom has been involved with the development of Project Virtu-Arc which is the virtual education facility that I look to open up shortly after school is over to begin teaching and training inside a virtual environment.
Julio Birman, Critical Friend
Post-Graduate Candidate University of Phoenix Education Leadership Program
"Look forward to seeing your work progress in your doctorate program! Your new found passion for change in the classroom will lead to great things with this firm base you stand upon right now. Be careful not to let technology drive what you are doing in the classroom, it (technology) is just the tool in which you are using to reach out and effectively manage and facilitate classroom instruction."
There were obviously other comments, but I wanted to just share some of those that really drove home the fact that I now have the ability to begin to study the effects technology has on adult education while hopefully obtaining some opportunities to teach other instructors how to effectively utilize technology in their respective classrooms.
See my
Publishing/Leadership blog post...